Today started with the Landscape Photographer of the Year exhibition at Waterloo Station, extended until 28th February. One of the advantages to the non-shoping fraternity of the addition of the Waterloo balcony are the occasions when it becomes a temporary exhibition space. These photographs are fantastic,and many of them are taken with relatively straightforward cameras, without photo editing but with a lot of preparation, observation of the light and huge amounts of patience. The winners are here and I could not choose a favourite.
Inspired by all of that, and waiting on the steps of the National Gallery, I attempted some silhouettes of Nelson's column. All photos are from my phone as I forgot my camera, hence the elongated format.

and an opportunity to photograph the first of this year's journal quilts "en plein air".

En route to the fantastic, huge paintings of "Walls of Water" by Maggi Hambling. On until 15 February, only one room of paintings but completely free and well worth a trip.

These paintings have ben subject to a scathing review, but I loved seeing the way the paint was handled, and three of the painting in particular made me feel as if I was in front of a giant wall of water. Down in the espresso bar, my friend and I also liked ( after a very good courgette and pumpkin seed muffin - better than it sounds) the selection of monotypes, also on the theme of water, printed with Frank Connelly of Morley College, with whom my friend is currently studying.
Then off to Bloomsbury, stopping by St George's Church, designed by Hawksmoor and recently restored, to marvel at the acoustics and the intricate reflections on the brass chandelier.

A quick lunch on the deserted and unexpected roof garden of the Mary Ward Centre

with some shapes worthy of drawing practise sharply outlined in the sunshine.

Then down to the class to work on using tones on a coloured ground. Couldn't get that foreshortened top of the triangular object at all.

Finishing off with a meeting of the quilt group to see the Contemporary Quilt Group Suitcase challenge on the theme of " All in a Day's Work" . As ever, these 43 little quilts were enormously imaginative, although the number that featured lists in some form or another was a bit worrisome.
There was also the return of the finished blocks for the round robin challenge. I am very pleased with how every interpreted my challenge, and amazed at the amount of work that went into the blocks. Everyone kindly wrote about their inspiration in the notebook that I sent round with the quit, so I now need to think how best to incorporate those comments so they don't get separated from the previous work. No photograph yet, as I need good light to show the detail on those blocks.
And eventually to bed, head buzzing.