
Saturday 15 March 2014

Beware the Ides of March……

…because it is World Quilting Day, although there seems to be some uncertainty about that on the web, as some countries seem to be celebrating tomorrow.  I have some horrendous intestinal lurgy, so am celebrating the day at home, and during the times when I'm feeling OK, I am experimenting with Markal Paintsticks.    This is in preparation for a challenge piece on the theme of "Dislocate" for the Contemporary Quilt Group.


A vague enquiry about how waterproof these are, revealed the multitude of uses of these, what a revelation.  I think they will withstand a wash through with Synthrapol if they can withstand all of that.


  1. This looks fantastic, I love the shape and the effect. Never heard of these paint sticks before, may have to investigate.
    Hope the lurgy leaves promptly xx

  2. Love the shape, hope today is a better day, now off to follow your link xxx


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