So this term, I am back at Morley on Tuesdays, doing a course called " Design and Print". The textile studio has been refurbished. Gone are the startling yellow walls, the red metal roof beams, the encrusted sinks, the slightly dodgy and too small fume cupboard, and the water tanks that always ran out of water by the end of the day. It all seemed rather endearing at the time, but all is whisked away to be replaced with lots of white paint, and brand new fittings.
The tutor went straight in with a drawing and design exercise. Three drawings of different objects from our bags, from three different angles, by three different individuals. I did not let panic set in, but got on with it as best as I could. As the tutor wanted drawings as loose and sketchy as possible, I could eventually relax into it. We then photocopied the resulting drawings, , reduced them in size on the photocopier, and played with composition of the resulting shapes.
First composition, can you identify the original items*?, just larger than A4 size

Second composition, with multiple copies. too mch white space down the centre strip, but starting to look interesting.

* scissor case and scissors, pot full of tea bags with open lid, glasses case with a box of pins.