They both crossed the finish line in very respectable times, and were still up for a big celebration in the evening.

Lots of stitching inpiration in the photos of the pontoon where the swimming leg started

and also from the food stalls in the superb Markthal.

And in the mesmerising,multiple escalators

All of that dedication and training pushed me to my own finishing line, the binding on Kaleidoscope, started in December 2012.

I evidently don’t finish enough quilts, as I had forgotten how to join the two binding ends together seamlessly. This video, from Heirloom Creations, is the simplest explanation I have every found, a boon for those like me who find the upside-down, back to front instructions of others completely confusing.
Twenty feet of binding to hand stitch down now, the last part of my quilting and piecing triathlon on this quilt.