I realise I've send few exhibitions this month and haven't posted anything about them. So this is a quick reminder for me really of what I've seen.
First up, the contemporary Quilt Group journal quilt exhibition at the Creative Stitching show at the Excel in London. I wasn't too taken with this show, not sure why, it seemed a real miss mash of too many different crafts with little focus on showcasing any particular one. These journals really caught my eye

The week after a visit to the White Cube gallery to see the leather tank. This was really amazing and I did manage to sneak a photo as those on the website do not give any idea of the scale. This is full size,stitched completely by hand by an "army" of stitchers. once again, my mind rang with thoughts of the artist versus the artisan.

Lovely railings and reflections on the way

Then on to Artist Textiles, Picsaso to Warhol at the Fashion and Textile Museum. This is on until 17 May and is well worth a visit. Lots of lovely fabrics, beautifully curated with really informative posters accompanying the cloth. By the end I did wonder why there seem to be so few contemporary, named artists working with cloth manufacturers now. It may be to do with the change from screen printing to roller printing of cloth, as many of the designs below were screen printed, so perhaps the artist maintains more control in that circumstance.
Salvador Dali - I love those swirly lines that build up the dancers

Dali again - bony spines?

Can't remember this one

Picasso - given as a freebie to attendees at a student conference

Joan Miro

Andy Warhol

John Piper- yes, this is cloth

As evr, when I'm on that street, I finished the day with a dash into the London GlassBlowing Studio. When will someone notice my obsession with Peter Layton and the colours of his glass? I have a significant birthday coming up in 4 years if any of my family are reading!