
Thursday, 11 July 2013

Feathers again

I am stitching, but most of it is part of the Dr Who stitch along, so can't be revealed here yet.  I am also continuing with the fascination of drawing feathers, inspired by the book, " Infinite Feathers" by Anita Shackelford.

These have been designed following the principles in the book, but using a pair of compasses and then freehand drawing of the plumes, rather than using her templates.  Whether I'd ever be able to stitch these to a standard that would please me is another issue.


Feathered fish?



  1. What lovely feathers - beautifully balanced. Of course you'd be able to stitch them - your stitching is amazing! i'm looking forward to seeing the results when you do.....

  2. the first one looks like spiragraph! (was it you that sent me the pic of a huge spiragraph wall hanging?) i really like the feathered fish design, and like Plum, have no doubts you can do it!


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