This is not post about Liberty fabrics, so sewers may not want to read on. However, if you value civil liberty, please do.
I have been dithering about for a few years about joining the campaign group
Liberty. Today I did, after an incident last night with the police, claiming that I was driving without
I know I can forget to do some domestic tasks, but arranging insurance is not one of them. What had me incandescent with rage
was the insistence by the police that their database could not be wrong and that I
must be wrong. This was even after we phoned our
neighbour who went in to our house to get the
insurance documents, and quoted the policy
number and renewal date over the phone to the police. Also despite my asking how i would have been able to renew my car tax online if I did not valid insurance, as the whole system is
designed around this.
the evident fact of existing insurance, I was
then told I was
driving at my own risk and the police would have
been" fully entitled" ( their words) to arrest me and impound our car.
Today, I had a call from the PC who acknowledged that the database was indeed wrong, and " there is an
inconsistency between
the National Insurance Database and the copy that the police use".
Very, very worrying. If this can happen with car insurance, what else is wrong, and where else is the citizen assumed to be lying rather than there being a fault in the system?
But, don't be afraid, join
Liberty and get campaigning.