
Monday, 29 April 2019

Beautiful, gentle stitching

This weekend, I had the pleasure of attending a workshop with Emily Jo Gibbs, on using transparent organza to make stitched interpretations of photographs. Emily’s work is exquisite in its simplicity, that also manages to capture the essence of an individual or of an object.

The workshop was held in the beautiful, historic rooms of The ArtWorkers’ Guild in Holborn.  The rooms and corridors contain works by previous and current members, inspiration before we even met Emily.

We were asked to bring a basic sewing kit, a variety of threads, scissors for cutting papered cloth and a favourite photograph. Emily provided a pack of different coloured silk organzas and two pieces of white linen for each of us. 

The workshop started with an explanation of Emily’s technique, and an opportunity to examine her original stitched portraits of her children. We then created a small abstract collage, A5 size,  to practice the techniques that she had demonstrated.




What joy to sit with a group of strangers, who quickly lost their anonymity as we stitched together.

We then started a new piece, based on our photographs.This was much more difficult  and a black and white photograph would have made it much more straightforward to discern tone rather than colour. However, by the end of the day, i had this, based on a favourite picture of my elder son when he was 10.


To have got this far, while enjoying the company of others, in a beautiful setting was a gift. Thank you Emily.

If you would like to see Emily’s work in person, she is exhibiting at Mint London from 9th - 12th May.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Brexit, April SOS

SOS in Morse code, inspired by the recent projections on to the white cliffs of Dover by Led by Donkeys.

Dashes woven on to the background cloth through buttonholes. Dots hand appliqued. Union Jack fabric fading all the way down. Machine quilting in variegated black and white thread showing that between those extremes there are many shades of grey.

This was meant to have 12 yellow star buttons on it, but after keeping them stored safely for months, I now can't find them. Metaphorical?

Sunday, 14 April 2019

April, journal quilt, work in progress






Quilting to show that black and white arguments are not straightforward


and often contain many shades of grey
