I have been away in Venice to hear my son sing with his school choir in St Mark’s Cathedral. The whole visit was incredible - music, canals, gilding, carving, painted ceilings, marble, madonnas, crowds, fans, masks, mosaics, reflections. churches, walking, heat, gondolas, glass, more walking, vaporettos, palazzos, the Biennale. After 4 days, I had much sympathy with the protestant movement, and understood the need for simplicity and minimalism. The modern art museum had much to be admired, and I particularly liked the works of
Giorgio de Chirico.

So much inspiration, it will take months to digest.
As two of the days were very hot, I retired to the air-conditioned room for a siesta, and did some hand-stitching, comparing
French and
colonial knots. The colonial were much more even, but perhaps that was because I had recovered from the heat by then.

Coming home to a wet day, got this bound and finished. To be displayed next to the quilts at our exhibition in October, to give attendees something to touch, when they really want to touch the quilts. Most signs about touching the quilts at quilt shows are so negative, I wanted to give a more positive message.

The arrow is whip stitched which was good fun to do. Maybe inspired by those stripey gondola hitching-posts?

Another one, finished off during the tennis.

and finally, following this
tutorial from Benta, a little pouch, as you can never have too many pouches for stuff.